Smart Phone Technology


"Put Your Cell Phone To Work."

"Why not have company resources at your fingertips?"

"Access your security system while Away."

Connections Everywhere


Most devices need some kind connection whether wired or wireless.

Are they working together?

Can they work together?

Should they work together?

Some questions we can answer.

Networks For Everything


Secure communication is a must for your business.

Smart devices & computer systems connect to the same network.

Protect yourself from weak links in your network chain.


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Helping Business Into The Future.

Your Smart Technology Integration Partners.

The Hand Shake

The Consultation

Make an appointment for a consultation. We can discuss what your particular needs are and what options you have. A follow up meeting may be required if further research is needed.

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The Proposal

After reviewing your project and collecting information we will schedule a meeting discuss details of your project. Once we determine the best course of action to take the working agreement is signed and the work begins.

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The Project

The project documentation is prepared for review with all cost of materials and labor, time frame and scheduling, scope of project and all details required to complete the project.


The Completion

The project is completed when all expectations are meet, promises delivered, and performance is proven. We stand behind our quality and professionalism and expect to meet all customer expectations.


Security Solutions

Smart Security Systems. Deter criminals and still make it easy to come and go. Keep your business Safe & Secure.

Time Clock Solutions

Smart Clock in Clock out Systems. Managing payroll, attendance, project billing, service calls.

Automation: Office/Business

Smart control of energy management, lighting, IT & networking, presentation and multimedia solutions. 


Process & Workflow Analysis

Streamline your Business, Improve Efficiency. Automate paperwork with tablets & cell phone technology.

Stock Management

Smart Inventory Control Systems that keep track in real time while at the office or away. 

Automation: Manufacturing

Production equipment Automation, Tooling & Fixture Design, CAD & Drawing Details.


Engineering & Design

Take your idea from Concept to Production. 3D Models, Detail Drawing, Rapid Prototyping, Fabrication.

Research & Development

Get your product to market quicker. One source for engineering, prototyping, testing and presenting.. 

Automation: Custom Solutions

Do you have an ongoing problem that you can't find a solution for. We can help.

Schedule a Consultation!

Tired of doing the same time wasting things over and over again? Do you have every intention of fixing the problems when you get a chance. Why wait! Our sole purpose is to take complex and technically challenging problems and make systematic, easy to use solutions. Stop wasting time and money. Get Smart! 

"We are dedicated to help business owners get the most out of today's technology." 

"Solutions to make your business more efficient, more profitable, more productive. Spend your time doing the things that matter."

1102 King Street, Suite 2
Whitby, Ontario, Canada
Phone: (289) 638-1782
Monday - Friday 9:00a.m 5:00 p.m.